Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Chicken stuffed with feta and eggplant chutney and wrapped in prosciutto

There you go, now that is a mouthful, if you can come up with something simpler I’d be happy to hear it!

When we were out at the Windy Creek winery the other day, the lady there gave us a bowl of eggplant and roasted capsicum chutney to try on some biscuit, it was so yummy I could not leave it alone and I had the worst stomach ache at the time, it was just so morrish.

Whilst I tasted the 17th wine of the day, the lady was telling me how she rolled chicken breast stuffed with some of the chutney and some feta cheese, she had my attention immediately and I promptly ordered a jar to take home.

Tonight I brought some chicken breast and feta on my way home to try her recipe out, then as I was driving home I was trying to figure how I was going to keep it all together, I decided the best way would be to wrap the rolled breast in prosciutto strips, so I stopped off at Balcatta Fresh to pick some up. I asked for long strips as I wanted the strips to overlap, because of this the girl gave me some cut from a leg imported from Italy. Apparently the meat of the imported stuff is not quite as salty and a little sweeter, it is also somewhat more expensive, but it was ideal for what I wanted.

The prosciutto did the job of keeping it all together beautifully, but more than this the flavour was amazing and went so well with the feta and chutney, it really was worth the effort. Just at the end of the roasting time some of the juices started oozing out into the pan, they were so full of flavour I added a tablespoon of flour and a cup of white wine to deglaze the pan, then a cup of chicken stock and I let that reduce by about half whilst the chicken rested, it made a very flavoursome sauce.

I served the meal with baked potato, julienne carrot, broccolini and brussel sprouts, Jo girl seems to think I have done Leonards out of a customer, bugger!

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